
The Power of Play: How Science and Play Interse...

Vrinda Joshi

Introduction: In a world driven by technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs, the importance of play in the development of both children and adults cannot be overstated. The intersection of science...

The Power of Play: How Science and Play Interse...

Vrinda Joshi

Introduction: In a world driven by technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs, the importance of play in the development of both children and adults cannot be overstated. The intersection of science and play is a fascinating realm where curiosity, creativity, and innovation thrive. In this blog piece, we'll explore the symbiotic...

Practical STEM to augment classroom learning

Vrinda Joshi

Learning the science of movement! An essential foundation block in any child's primary education, practical STEM is the art of relating everyday activities, objects, mechanisms and processes to critical concepts...

Practical STEM to augment classroom learning

Vrinda Joshi

Learning the science of movement! An essential foundation block in any child's primary education, practical STEM is the art of relating everyday activities, objects, mechanisms and processes to critical concepts of science and engineering.